Gehuwala Blog Whole wheat nutritional value per 100g

Whole wheat nutritional value per 100g

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Whole wheat nutritional value per 100g

The nutritional value of whole wheat flour per 100 grams generally includes:

  • Calories: Approximately 340-350 kcal
  • Protein: Around 10-15 grams
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 70-75 grams
  • Dietary Fiber: Typically contains 10-15 grams (higher compared to refined white flour)
  • Fat: Usually about 1-2 grams
  • Vitamins: Contains various B vitamins such as Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), and folate (B9).
  • Minerals: Includes iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and traces of calcium.

Whole wheat flour retains the bran, germ and endosperm of the wheat kernel, making it higher in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals than refined white flour, which undergoes more processing and loses some of these nutrients. loses.

Please note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on the brand, type, and specific milling process of whole wheat flour. Always refer to the nutritional information on product packaging for accurate details.

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